
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year's Eve!

Happy New Year's Eve!

Unfortunately, I am still stuck on my dissertation. However, it should be happily finished soon.

Working hard!

See you next year...? lol

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Some of my early on story/plot inspirations ~~

At one point I was considering the story format of this book (below) and thought it somehow tied in here. McCaughrean narrates the story as a description of what the children imagine but how the environment actually is as well. I found this quite curious at the time...

I was watching some trailers - some made by fans - which essentially summed up the entire plot in just a few minutes. Helpful for short, concentrated story telly as well as an inspirational source for some experimental character designs.

As the hole story is based on an internal world, a dream, this film I watch a few years back is undoubtedly another ingredient for my own story telling and such~

Closing of the First Term Progress Status ~~

I hope everyone had a great Christmas yesterday~

With the closing of the first term, I have several things that can be posted accumulated together now.

Emily has gone through many changes and she has now ended up looking like this:

Of course, there will be some more finesse in the final make-up in terms of line work and shadowing. I ams also pondering over some filter alterations I may consider for the final DVD format. For now, this is the face of my project.

There are other changes that I will be considering taking on board. The animatic, from the feedback I have received, needs much more work in order to iron out all the kinks and make the overall story much more rounded. Currently, I understand I need to look for a sound designer forthwith; so I shall begin doing so in the New Year.

Coming soon: 

  • experimental puppets
  • 2D format tests
  • more animatics